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Preston’s Class of 2019 Open House

On January 8th, students from Preston’s feeder schools filed into Preston halls. There was a great turn out of staff that evening and students representing the various departments and extra curriculars the school has to offer, and grade nines and their parents had chances to have all of their questions answered.

Students travelled around the school with “passports,” ensuring that they visited every department of the school and received the full Preston experience. Students were also asked to get their passports stamped at each department, creating incentive for them to speak with current students and teachers about all of the great things Preston has to offer.

Some highlights of the night were fantastic live performances from the music department, exciting crêpe making (and eating) in the Languages hall, and physical activities in the double gym from the Athletics Department. Another popular display took place in the science department where students got to watch live chemistry demonstrations and participate in their own science experiment. Extra curriculars were also well exhibited, with representatives from the various clubs and teams scattered around the school. The DECA club spoke to business oriented students about joining, athletic council members were talking to interested students about leadership opportunities, and the geography department spread the word about past trips and future ones Preston students will have a chance to experience.

The night ended in an informative way, with students and parents visiting the cafeteria for a more formal presentation, educating them about the various courses Preston offers, and about some of the great extracurriculars that weren’t represented earlier on in the night.

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