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Dear Alex,

I don’t know how to handle the amount of homework I have.

- 16-n-Stressed

Dear 16-n-Stressed,

When the amount of homework I have gets to be daunting, especially around summative time, I tend to

make a list of all of my assignments so I’m able to visually see and sort through what I need to do. I also

prioritize it; while it is handy to start working on assignments that are upcoming, if I’m swamped with a

lot of homework then I complete what is due the soonest. On that note, however, if you find that you

generally get a lot of homework and are aware that you can get ahead, I would utilize any extra time if

you happen to have it, just to save yourself time in the future. Plus, it feels good to be ahead in a class.

If I have a lot of homework all due on the same day, I tend to work on different subjects for specific

chunks of time. That way, I’m not devoting all of my time to one subject before moving on to another

one. This is also a good way to avoid finding yourself pulling an all-nighter. By planning how and where

you’re going to use your time, it may make the amount of homework you have seem less intimidating

and it may make it easier to handle.

As always, it’s important not to fry your brain. Always schedule short breaks to clear your head, and

make sure that you’re not sacrificing eating or sleeping or anything like that for homework, because

there are always ways to conquer a new-ending amount of homework. Mr. Miller from Student Success

says, “Don’t forget to reward yourself with something small like food or a bit of free time once you have

completed a task. This will motivate you to do more.”

Hopefully you find that some of these tips work for you!

Sincerely, Alex

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