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People of Preston: Meet Brooke L.

Brooke L. | Grade 11

Q: What is your greatest fear?

A: My biggest fear is that things aren't going to work out. I'm afraid of going to University and then finding out a year it that it was a mistake or graduating University and working for couple years only to find out what I'm doing isn't making me happy. You know? Spending all those years working hard for what I want then not having it work out. I don't wanna be one of those people that hates their job, I wanna be happy with what I'm doing.

Q: But wouldn't you rather be successful than be genuinely happy

A: I know this sounds crazy but, to me success is nothing if I'm not happy. I feel like this generation thrives on the idea of being successful. I think everybody assumes that if you are successful than you are automatically happy. Success can bring happiness but it isn't a reflection of happiness. You could be the most successful person in the world but also be the saddest. Like is it worth it if you are miserable? To me happiness is success.

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